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Community Art Lessons

Growing up, I had art teacher's that encouraged me to follow my passions. My hope is to encourage others to do the same. Are you in need of an art instructor for a camp, after-school program, adult art night, or community event?

Rest assured, your search ends here.


Teaching Experiences


I worked as a counselor and then Program Manager for a high-school summer art program taught at Virginia Commonwealth University  for 12 years.

At the Faison Center, I taught art to young adults on the autism spectrum.

I've created lesson plans and taught elementary school campers at Iron Village Preparatory Academy summer program.

I have hosted and organized drawing events for Bachelorette parties.


My range is far and wide when spreading art appreciation.



Start the process by contacting me today!

© 2023 by Artist Corner. Proudly created with

Richmond, Virginia, RVA, artist, black artist, black woman, african american artist, sea themed art, water themed art, ocean art, seascape, Rian L. Moses, Rian Hedrick, Rian Moses-hedrick

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